Vol 16.78m
Vol 26222.34m
Vol 215.43m
Vol 293.86m
Vol 557.66m

“The Bitcoin Bridge,” CoinGeek’s new weekly video show on Streamanity, premieres this week. Our first conversation is with the man in charge of Streamanity itself, Jack Liu. Jack has years of experience in Bitcoin and has some interesting views on what people should—and maybe shouldn’t—be thinking about.

“The Bitcoin Bridge” is an interview and showcase series you can watch exclusively on Streamanity. It takes a look at Bitcoin BSV projects and personalities working in the Asia-Pacific (or APAC) region. Since that includes everywhere from China to Tuvalu, there’s plenty going on there for you to discover.

The title comes from a desire to bridge the knowledge gap that often exists between projects in the large U.S./European markets and the even-larger APAC one, thanks to distance and often communication hurdles.

Since it’s the first episode of The Bitcoin Bridge, Jack Liu (whose company RelayX recently acquired Streamanity) seemed like the perfect choice. As well as being the prominent leader of several well-known BSV projects—RelayX, FloatSV, CambrianSV, the RUN token protocol and USDC stablecoin—he’s also crossed the Pacific enough times to know the distance well. Coming originally from Canada, he’s now based mostly in Hong Kong. His experiences in these countries and others have made his insights unique and valuable to the BSV ecosystem.

Building profitable businesses with individual talent

Liu says that while others get up and check the Bitcoin price each morning, he’s looking for reports on new BSV businesses. And Bitcoin itself is the bridge between East and West, since understanding it could help business builders work in any region.

That said, there are still some unique qualities and perspectives that make APAC a more exciting market for Bitcoin companies, and Liu says there’s more of a focus on getting business done than arguing about it on social media.

Jack Liu is also known for his controversial stances on some aspects of the Bitcoin business. He’s been against the idea of startups chasing VC investments (but his reason has been a bit misunderstood), choosing to focus instead on individuals with the talent to build profitable businesses themselves. He organized the successful CambrianSV entrepreneur get-together in Bali in 2019, and there have been many calls for more in that style. He tells us about his experiences there, what he learned, and why it’s important to have face-to-face meetings where possible, even when that’s difficult (like now).

Since Liu is now responsible for Streamanity, we chatted about why he acquired the business, what advantages and challenges it has, and where he’d like to take it.

Overall this interview is a great introduction to the APAC region, a lesson for content creators, and some useful advice from someone who likes to back up his opinions with real action. You’ll want to watch this, and all future episodes of “The Bitcoin Bridge,” to share those experiences.

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