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In an era when data is the new oil, health data has lagged behind and is still stored in data silos. EHR Data is out to change this, empowering its users to own their health data on the immutable Bitcoin blockchain. In its latest campaign, known as EHR Data Wavemakers Movement, the firm wants to ensure that everyone has complete control over their health data.

In a blog post, the firm stated, “To us, owning your health means having complete ownership and access to all your health data. Being able to access your information easily, timely, and securely allows you to have a comprehensive view of your health at your fingertips.”

Speaking to CoinGeek, Alison Langford, the director of marketing at EHR Data, explained that the Wavemakers campaign seeks to “encourage, educate, and support individuals on the journey to data empowerment.”

The company believes that the campaign will cultivate a desire in people to advocate for change in the current healthcare systems. Patient data ownership is an issue that has been raised continually over the past decade. However, little has been done over that same time period, Langford told CoinGeek.

Tracy Hill, the executive vice president of sales and marketing at EHR Data added, “We have learned time and again that we cannot be the only ones demanding participation of major healthcare and technology corporations. This change in mindset will require a groundswell of people: patients, providers, corporate leaders, policy makers, to push for a new norm of people owning their health data. After all, this affects all of us now and for generations to come.”

The first wave of the campaign is “My EHR Story,” a social media campaign in which it encourages everyone to share their short videos or text explaining their experiences with trying to obtain health data. “We want people to not only call out these types of experiences, but we want them to question the system and demand better,” Langford said.

In today’s healthcare systems, each hospital, pharmaceutical firm and government stores the patients’ records separately. This is usually done for financial reasons, at the expense of the patients.

Ron Austring, EHR Data’s chief scientist, said, “Patient data is their greatest asset, and by opening up access to and allowing patients to own their rightful data, that would not be in the corporations’ best financial interest. The resistance has almost always been within the industry itself, and it’s time that’s changed.”

EHR Data has built its platform on Bitcoin SV, the only blockchain with unbounded scalability, a stable protocol and very low fees. According to Austring, the team is “quickly finding that this technology has broader applications within the healthcare sector and beyond.”

“We are around 6-12 months away from commercialized utilization of this technology, at which point we will be able to provide more insight into our development progress and product offering/roadmap,” Austring said. “There is more momentum than ever in the industry for patients to have control over their data. With consumer driven and high deductible health plans becoming the norm in the United States, it is more important than ever for the patient to own their data so they can appropriately seek out the best care providers for their needs.”  

See also: EHR Data presentation at CoinGeek Live, EHR Data: The First Healthcare Data Platform Using the Bitcoin SV Blockchain

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