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The Bitcoin SV DevCon 2020 is kicking off on July 18, and the two-day free virtual event is the place to learn why Bitcoin SV (BSV) is the only viable choice for blockchain projects.

The inaugural virtual developer conference—co-hosted by Bitcoin Association and nChain, and powered by WeAreDevelopers—will feature talks from the notable thought leaders in the Bitcoin space, giving Bitcoin developers an insight into the latest developments in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Developers building on other blockchains who wish to learn more about the Bitcoin platform are also welcome to attend.

Connor Murray, co-founder and CEO of True Reviews, described the Bitcoin SV DevCon 2020 as a “high quality event for developers.” He told CoinGeek:

“I was fortunate enough to attend initial sessions in London where some of the agenda items for this DevCon were workshopped. We are fortunate to have the Bitcoin Association and nChain providing a free high quality event for developers to learn how to develop on Bitcoin SV. We at True Reviews are looking forward to attending the DevCon and learning how we can solve existing problems using the tools that are available in BSV today.”

The event, taking place on July 18-19, will feature back-to-back sessions hosted by some of the most respected names in Bitcoin, including Dr. Craig Wright, Steve Shadders, Ryan X. Charles, and many more.

Day 1 focuses on network theory, covering technical aspects of the Bitcoin protocol. It kicks off with Brendan Lee, training and development manager of the Bitcoin Association, who will discuss economic incentives and the Bitcoin network. In an interview with CoinGeek, Lee said he will provide “an overview of the function of nodes on the network and how Bitcoin’s game changing incentive system uses pure economics to drive the leaderless formation of the world’s most robust financial network.”

Day 2 will build on the technical foundation laid on the previous day, with sessions that aim to guide application building on the BSV blockchain. Speakers for Day 2 include Joshua Henslee, HandCash CTO Raja Jimenez, Run CEO Brenton Gunning, sCrypt CEO Xiaohui Liu, Planaria’s Glenn Wolfe, Tokenized CEO James Belding, and Codugh CEO Shashank Singhal, among others.

The developer community is integral to the growth of enterprise applications on Bitcoin BSV, which, in turn, is the only choice for enterprises looking to develop blockchain-based technologies and solutions—thanks to its pillars of scalability, stability and security. Take it from Eric Bernhard, VP, Customer at The Bayesian Group, who said:

“The Bayesian Group is committed to creating innovative enterprise-scale products on the BSV protocol because of its sheer power. We can do things that other companies cannot do because they have chosen an inferior technology. Bitcoin SV is our superpower, and we plan to leverage it to its fullest.”

For Kronoverse CEO Adam Kling, developing on Bitcoin SV blockchain opens “new ways of doing business.” The eSports games creator moved to BSV in May to tokenize users’ in–game items because of the lack of scalability of the Ethereum blockchain.

“Get your competitive advantage by learning how to build on Bitcoin SV,” Kling told us. “Seriously, most developers are looking at Ethereum development which is broken and handicapped. Developing on BSV will open up new ways of doing business that is not practical on Ethereum.”

Check out the full agenda and register to join the two-day Bitcoin SV DevCon 2020 event here.

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