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You may be wondering why Kurt Wuckert Jr. is the Chief Historian at CoinGeek. Well, if you watch episode 26 of the Bitstocks podcast, you will find out why. 

Recently, Kurt was the guest on episode 26 of the Bitstocks podcast. In that episode, titled The Bitcoin Coup and Reformation, Bitstocks founder and CEO Michael Hudson (virtually) sits down with CoinGeek’s chief historian to discuss a variety of topics about Bitcoin, the information war taking place in Bitcoin, the narratives created by the different factions involved, the casualties of the information war as well as the evolution of the narratives and why they exist. 

Throughout the episode, you get a glimpse at Kurt’s vast knowledge of history, both inside and out of the blockchain and digital currency space. Beyond his dedication to unleashing the truth about Bitcoin, you can see how Kurt’s abundance of historical knowledge gives him insight into the present and future of the industry. After all, they do say, “history doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes.”

You will enjoy the episode, so I recommend that you check it out. But without spoiling too much, here are a few of my favorite excerpts. 

“It’s become deeply political, I often call it the Bitcoin Civil War and its very much an information war, the small block narrative took over using aggressive, quite frankly communist, propaganda practices, divide and conquer, and they separated bitcoiners from each other, they made us all cease to trust each other, and now we have three competing chains, and the biggest one is the least valuable fundamentally,” Kurt said early on in the episode.

Both Kurt and Michael go on to talk about the narratives in Bitcoin, and how there seems to be a bit of an agenda—to control the industry—that underlies the groups that argue to keep the block size small.

“If I started Tether, it would have gotten shut down years ago and I would be in jail,” Michael said later on in the episode. “How have they [Tether] managed to keep that going for so long, with all of the question marks around it, to me [that] just screams that this goes to the top, this goes very, very, very high.”

Michael Hudson is right—it’s not like you or I could create something as shady as Tether and get away with it for years. With that in mind, you begin to wonder how and why Tether has withstood the test of time, even with all of the evidence that shows that the company has extremely questionable business practices and is part of a crypto crime cartel. When you look at the narratives that exist, the individuals tied to a few of the factions as well as their ethics, and the vast amount of evidence, you begin to realize that there may be more to the different blockchain communities, their narratives, and why they exist than meets the eye.

If you are wondering what exactly that means, you can find out by watching episode 26 of the Bitstocks podcast.

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