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This is an excerpt from Paul Rajchgod’s latest blog post, How soon is ‘soon’? Read the full piece on Medium.

‘Soon’ isn’t enough?

So what is all the ‘soon’ fuss anyway? It seems that some Bitcoin SV observers believe that when an enterprise or government body announces it is building something on Bitcoin SV, the expectation is it will be live nearly instantaneously as if ‘announcement = LIVE’.

We have seen announcements of buildouts from EHR Data, kompany, GeoSpock, Zumo, UNISOT, and the country of Tuvalu, to name but a few, organizations that are growing at fast paces in healthcare, regtech, IoT, payment systems, supply chain, and government registries! But they may not yet be contributing the hoped-for steady stream of transactions onchain.

These things take time

Why not, the ‘soon’ crowd asks? Most of these announcements were made months ago! Why aren’t these live yet? The Smiths will tell you why: Because “These Things Take Time”! (Released as an ‘extra’ B-side to “What Difference Does it Make?”, their third single, January 16, 1984).

The Smiths single, "What difference does it make" poster

Please remember that announcements never = ‘LIVE’! For LIVE cannot happen right away; ‘LIVE’ takes time!

Those of you with programmer backgrounds should understand the bottleneck quite well: Developers already have their very busy pipeline of buildouts to deal with! They already have months-worth of their ‘swim lanes’, their ‘sprints’, their Gantt charts of priorities.

Then the bosses come along and say “cool, now we’re gonna move a bunch of this onto the Bitcoin SV blockchain.” Understandably, this latest project has to get in line behind the others that have to be completed first!

Additionally, in many cases, there are workshops to be held, with the enterprise or government in question and perhaps some customers/constituents…then more ‘design sprints’, proofs of concept, testing, possibly regulatory and other government body approvals, etc.

Let’s not forget the businesses and governments may be working with partners such as nChain, Fabriik, Elas Digital, TAAL, etc., who also already have their pipeline of customers and contracts, whose IT teams have their own ‘swim lanes’, ‘sprints’, Gantt charts, etc. and deadlines to meet.

Well, I wonder!

So….is it any wonder that these things take time? It shouldn’t be, but some of us have run out of patience and are perhaps distracted by talk of coin prices, market cap rankings, and this or that nonsense DeFi coin. Find your focus, dear lost souls!

To read the rest of Paul Rajchgod’s piece, visit Medium here.

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