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Persuading businesses to put their data on a public blockchain shouldn’t be a big deal, says Joshua Henslee. After all, it’s not long since they overcame their objections to storing their data on cloud servers instead of locally on their own computers.

Joshua is an IT professional from California who mostly works with Microsoft products. He believes the future for his clients, and for his own success as a consultant, lies with blockchain solutions using Bitcoin SV (BSV).

Joshua’s nightmare would be persuading a client to adopt a blockchain solution and then finding there were problems because there were too many transactions to process or fees rose: “That would be catastrophic.” But he is confident that BSV is now capable of providing the kind of service that he’d be happy to recommend to his clients: “I do think that we have the technology, with the recent developments over the past four or five months on the BSV chain.”

While private blockchains may sound appealing to cautious businesses, Joshua believes they’re not worth investing in. They’re effectively adding IT resources to business costs, whereas a public blockchain like BSV could produce savings throughout the business: “You’ll be able to streamline business processes such that you’ll have cost savings elsewhere. So even though you’re adding a tiny bit of cost, you’ll more than recoup that and have gains in other parts of your system — financial, supply chain, communication with vendors.”

With IBM, Microsoft, and now Amazon, all announcing their own blockchain products, “If BSV does start making moves, [the tech giants] will be victims unless they adapt and start to use it …It’s going to depend on how quickly they adjust.”

Out of all the possible public blockchains, Joshua believes that BSV has some unbeatable advantages: “One is the Metanet concept — the idea of putting data on chain and having users take control of their data. To me, it’s an upgrade on the way the Internet works today. It just makes sense.”

The BSV ecosystem is growing spectacularly, with new tools to help developers, especially those created by the anonymous and prolific inventor, Unwriter.“Unwriter’s tools have taken people’s excuses away,” says Joshua. “Even at the conference in November [2018], I was complaining that we don’t have tools to do some of this stuff …Ever since new year, all this stuff came out — it just makes it easy, so now all these ideas that people have can be implemented.”

In the immediate future, Joshua is trying to persuade his colleagues to take a serious look at BSV: “My goal is to demonstrate to my company how Bitcoin can be used, integrating with systems in a way that streamlines business processes and overtly reduces costs.”

Hear the full interview with Joshua Henslee on this week’s CoinGeek Conversations podcast:

You can also watch the podcast video on YouTube.

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