Vol 13.56m
Vol 12346.41m
Vol 161.69m
Vol 246.69m
Vol 532.41m


NYSE threatens BIT Mining with delisting for low share price
25 August, 2022

NYSE threatens BIT Mining with delisting for low share price

BIT Mining’s share price dipped below $1 on June 23 and has traded below this hallmark since then, violating the...
Is the US Congress pro proof-of-work?
23 August, 2022

Is the US Congress pro proof-of-work?

The United States Committee on Energy and Commerce recently sent letters to four digital currency miners aiming to look for...
Alleged Russian ransomware attacker indicted, faces extradition from the Netherlands
23 August, 2022

Alleged Russian ransomware attacker indicted, faces extradition from the Netherlands

Denis Mihaqlovic Dubnikov and his co-conspirators, who are yet to be identified, are accused of laundering as much as $70...
Scalable peer to peer tokens on Bitcoin: Solve the back-to-Genesis problem using recursive SNARKs
21 August, 2022

Scalable peer to peer tokens on Bitcoin: Solve the back-to-Genesis problem using recursive SNARKs

sCrypt presents a simple NFT example using recursive SNARKs, which can be extended to a directed acyclic graph (DAG), rather...
Kazakhstan: Police arrest gang forcing IT specialists to operate block reward mining farms
11 August, 2022

Kazakhstan: Police arrest gang forcing IT specialists to operate block reward mining farms

The MIA's investigations found that the gang had been forcing an IT specialist to run its illegal block reward mining...
Recursive Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Proof of a proof of a proof…
8 August, 2022

Recursive Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Proof of a proof of a proof…

In this article, sCrypt presented the recursive Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), where a proof attests to the validity of another proof.
Create your first zero-knowledge proof program on Bitcoin: A practical step-by-step guide
8 August, 2022

Create your first zero-knowledge proof program on Bitcoin: A practical step-by-step guide

Zokrates is a toolbox for zkSNARKs, hiding significant complexity inherent to ZKP, and provides a python-like higher-level language for developers...
North Korean hackers plagiarizing LinkedIn and Indeed resumes to seek jobs at digital assets firms: report
6 August, 2022

North Korean hackers plagiarizing LinkedIn and Indeed resumes to seek jobs at digital assets firms: report

Mandiant Inc., a cyber threat defense solutions provider, found that the hackers aim to gather intelligence about these firms' upcoming...
Incomplete information games on Bitcoin: Solving blockchain privacy dilemma using zero knowledge
5 August, 2022

Incomplete information games on Bitcoin: Solving blockchain privacy dilemma using zero knowledge

Games with incomplete information can be developed on Bitcoin today since sCrypt has implemented zk-SNARKs.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to launch metaverse campuses
4 August, 2022

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to launch metaverse campuses

The platform named MetaHKUST will use XR technology to provide an immersive study experience that will connect student and research...
Blockchain security firm warns against new MetaMask phishing scam
4 August, 2022

Blockchain security firm warns against new MetaMask phishing scam

Halborn explained how the campaign is being perpetuated using a sample of the phishing email the company received, and it...
Programmable zero knowledge proofs using zk-SNARKs: part 3
3 August, 2022

Programmable zero knowledge proofs using zk-SNARKs: part 3

sCrypt reimplement ZKKSP by leveraging the programmability of zkSNARKs. They simply combine elliptic curve point multiplication used in Part 2...