While Tron's legal team attempt to steer clear from accusations that Justin Sun was behind entities promoting an illegal money-making...
Omniscape has created MetaPets and launched the "Boximon" character series, combining location-based AR with blockchain transactions in a game that...
Member of Parliament Lisa Cameron chaired the debate and started proceedings by arguing that the U.K. needs to "level up"...
As blockchain adoption gathers steam, many are starting to invest in the emerging tech to future-proof their businesses, and the...
While emphasizing the potential of CBDCs in enhancing payments and securities transactions, the World Economic Forum also identified a number...
Microsoft made a $1.5 billion 'strategic' investment in G42, the UAE-based AI tech holding company, followed by behind-the-scenes negotiations with...
A digital shekel will force commercial lenders to up their game and offer better and cheaper services, according to the...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority announced in 2023 that all VASPs had to obtain a license or shut down by...
BFI will support IIT Kanpur in promoting entrepreneurial initiatives through the institute's SIIC, with the aim of developing solutions that...
The studies will recreate the tasks that astronauts are expected to face in the space, NASA will rely on the...
Massachusetts AG's advisory took swipes at the “false advertising” in AI and warned that AI firms engaged in deceptive marketing...
UK Finance's RLN experimentation will focus on three primary aspects: reducing fraud in online marketplaces, improving customer transparency, and establishing...