As criminals become more innovative, the chances of rogue individuals taking advantage of "cryptos" in funding their ideologies increase, forcing...
Tigran Gambaryan was detained and charged alongside Binance over alleged tax evasion and currency manipulation charges; he’s now being held...
COPA's victory against Dr. Craig Wright may be short-lived as U.S. authorities continue to poke holes in their 'crypto' claims,...
In the wake of the spot BTC ETFs launch in the U.S., Coinbase finds itself at a crossroads, with investors...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed a lower court's dismissal of a class action suit against...
The proposed Gemini-Genesis-Digital Currency Group partnership would rival Coinbase and FTX, but Barry Silbert backpedaled with the suggested merger, citing...
Both Sam Bankman-Fried and Martin Mizrahi committed crimes they should have realized would eventually be exposed while insisting on their...
The U.S. SEC has issued an order instituting cease-and-desist proceedings against ShapeShift AG, which follows the exchange's submission of an...
Coinbase filed a notice to Judge Polk Failla on March 5, saying that Judge Lin's ruling "was procured against an...
While the narrative about BTC being digital gold continues, one major thing that debunks this is its inability to have...
A new report by John Griffin and graduate student Kevin Mei made waves last week, claiming that pig butchering has...
The Nigerian government "may impose heavy fines on Binance" but gov't official Bayo Onanuga insisted he "never said Binance had...