BDO Norge manager Dashley van Schijndel testified at the recent Granath v Wright trial in Norway, explaining the points and...
In her testimony at the Granath v Wright trial, Klaudia Sokolowska notes some difficulties when attempting to prove digital activities...
A court orders Dr. Craig Wright to pay the full legal costs of Peter McCormack and has requested the former...
After ASIC's notification that Finder Wallet's Finder Earn violated the law, the firm terminated the offering and returned all funds...
A total of 37 defendants were named in the suit, including famous celebrities like Serena Williams, Snoop Dogg, Steph Curry,...
Dr. Craig S. Wright was "highly intellectual" and demonstrated deep knowledge on topics related to security and digital ledgers, says...
Judge Michael Fitzgerald dismissed the suit on the ground that investors failed to do their background research before investing in...
Sinclair described Craig Wright's technical knowledge and understanding as standing out far above others, and this was also the point...
Central to the respondent developers’ argument is the impracticality of assigning fiduciary and tortious responsibility to developers in this way.
The U.K. Court of Appeal heard Tulip Trading’s arguments that blockchain engineers owe fiduciary and tortious duties to those who...
Legal counsel for Block sent letters to in July and August 2022 informing the company it was infringing on...
The regulator disclosed that Block Earner, a firm backed by Coinbase and Aave, also operates an unregistered managed investment scheme...