The United Arab Emirates and Samsung's first aim is to increase AI adoption metrics, while the second revolves around providing...
Aware of its potential to destabilize the financial ecosystem, the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates is taking a...
The new rules urge firms to clearly separate customers’ funds from proprietary assets as an added layer of protection during...
Kevin Miller, AWS Vice President for global data centers, points to the UAE and its string of locally developed large...
The deal will see both firms collaborate on a robust blueprint for several technologies including AI, quantum computing and the...
At a recent World Economic Forum event, central bankers from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia discussed CBDC opportunities, from cross-border payments...
The new AI excellence center led by Microsoft and PwC Middle East will focus on equipping the local workforce with...
Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund has opened high-profile talks with U.S.-based venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz to establish an AI-focused...
The recent Cisco survey reveals that while 93% of companies in Saudi Arabia have advanced strategies for AI integration, only...
The Cultural Universe metaverse platform provides users with information about key events in Saudi Arabia's history by simply approaching landmarks...
Bridgewater Middle East will operate as a conduit for United Arab Emirates-based enterprises seeking to pivot into digital currencies and...
Currently, SMEs in the United Arab Emirates face a challenging task in securing trade finance, underscored by several issues like...