CryptoUK has called on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to step in to tackle problems around the digital currency assets register.
Russian President Vladimir Putin wants the country’s law enforcement agencies to focus more on the digital currency industry, which he...
The U.S.’s expanding offensive on digital asset players should be a clear signal that existing regulatory structures apply to the...
As more and more NFTs reach ridiculous valuations, it is becoming obvious that the market is almost entirely blind to...
The ASA flagged Coinfloor’s phrase “there is no point in keeping your money in the bank” as objectionable, despite a...
Compliance officers at financial institutions feel they still have a low understanding of digital assets, blockchain, and their surrounding legal...
Minister for Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank says he has warmed up to digital currencies, which he described as “effective...
The National Tax Service has identified some 2,400 suspected tax evaders relying on digital currencies to hide their assets, thought...
The U.S. state will issue tax and energy incentives to the miners in a move they hope will create jobs...
Once it is passed by parliament, the bill will give residents a six-month grace period to liquidate all their digital...
The funds will go to two pilots looking into reducing the cost of regulatory compliance through blockchain integration.
Binance is the subject of an active investigation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for potentially offering digital asset derivative...