In this episode of CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, Bernhard Müller and Kurt Wuckert Jr. discuss the hurdles faced by the payments...
With its ability to record information and transaction securely, Dr. Wright says this builds accountability for blockchain industries, as falsifying...
If Bitcoin is to capture this mass consumer audience, it has to offer the medium they are most accustomed to,...
This latest The Bitcoin Masterclasses tackles more about the processes that ensure the data entered onto the blockchain is as...
Centi’s Founder and General Manager Bernhard Müller called Centi Franc stablecoin “the missing piece of the puzzle” that will spur...
The proposed deposit token will work similarly to a stablecoin and offer use cases in decentralized finance, trading digital assets,...
Combining the efficiency of blockchain technology with the rigor of Swiss banking, Centi has developed a comprehensive payment processing engine...
PEZA's OIC Deputy Director Tereso Panga noted that the Swiss companies had contributed over 8,000 jobs to the local economy...
Following rigorous planning and preparation, investment bank Nomura has entered the digital asset industry under a newly formed arm, focusing...
The hallmark of the proposals from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) for the regulation and prudential treatment of...
With the ‘crypto’ asset economy, Basel is attempting to stamp out any prospect of something similar occurring before it even...
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has released its second public consultation document detailing the proposed guidelines for the prudential...