The experience was one of a kind, with captivating panels, enlightening conversations and a number of high-profile announcements, Steve Kaaru...
In his presentation, James Belding stressed how beneficial it will be when people are able to manage everything important in...
Patrick Thompson looks back on the three significant announcements that were made during the CoinGeek Live conference.
At CoinGeek Live, James Belding explained how Tokenized is building tools to take tokens and smart contracts mainstream by solving...
A panel representing some of the most experienced thinkers in the space discussed these issues at CoinGeek Live to give...
Tokens’ real value proposition is in smart contracts themselves, Tokenized CEO James Belding tells Kurt Wuckert Jr.
Money Button, Codugh and Tokenized joined Brendan Lee at Bitcoin SV DevCon 2020 to talk about how their services are...
As more simple, easy to implement token solutions emerge, Bitcoin SV is poised to dominate in the token space.
The group’s goal is to create a roadmap that increases the likelihood of interoperability across the Bitcoin SV ecosystem.
Within 70 days of its launch, trading volume on DotWallet exceeded 30,000 and the number of individuals using Tokenized exceeded...
What started as a blockchain-based protocol has morphed into a giant alternative solution for all businesses.
CoinGeek interviews Sunny Fung about the current status of ShowPay's test, and for some further details on how the system...