The regulator conducted a joint operation with United Kingdom’s local police departments in Exeter, Nottingham, and Sheffield, where it uncovered...
Joseph O’Connor, 23, is scheduled for sentencing by U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff on June 23, 2023, staring at...
The upcoming London Blockchain Conference will highlight the utility of a massively scalable public blockchain through a series of keynotes,...
On May 3, the U.K. government announced a blanket ban on cold calls selling financial products, including digital assets, which...
The consultation, running until June 22, will be carried out by HM Revenue and Customs, seeking public comments from investors,...
The U.K. has joined numerous countries calling for AI regulation, setting up a new unit to oversee the sector and...
Sarah Pritchard, executive director at the Financial Conduct Authority, described the growing industry as "unchartered territory" for industry participants, making...
The Southeast Asia Tech Week offers a glimpse of the Philippines' ongoing effort to create unicorns that would help support...
The incoming regulations are not designed to stifle innovation but will provide more opportunities to service providers, according to Economic...
Acknowledging the rising popularity and adoption of tokenization, BoE's John Cunliffe says the central bank is looking into the possibility...
Bank of England is ramping up its central bank digital currency efforts and hiring developers, security architects, and more despite...
While the checklist guides influencers in properly promoting digital currencies, regulators in the United Kingdom say they remain adamant about...