Vol 16.16m
Vol 20769.82m
Vol 186.7m
Vol 286.48m
Vol 509.77m

Maybe it is true that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. That is what Plouton Mining is counting on as they announced on June 25 their plans to build a solar-powered electrical grid is expected to provide somewhere between 10 and 13 megawatts of energy which will be used in SegWitCoin (BTC) mining operations.

According to a press release from the company, Plouton is planning on building the largest solar-powered mining operation in North America. This will provide sustainable and affordable energy that can assist in the process of mining for digital currency.

To accommodate the massive amount of space needed to house the solar panels, the company announced that they would be using between 49 and 50 acres of the Western Mojave Desert in California to build their operations. They believe that their development will create between 10 and 13MW of power for 12 hours a day, 330 days a year.

It’s an aggressive plan, but one built on a solid premise. Much of the Mojave Desert basks in the sun for over 70% of the year, making it ideal for this kind of operation. As one of the driest and arid places on the continent, there is rarely rainfall or even cloud cover, meaning that sunshine is abundant. With the right kind of design and infrastructure, it should have the potential to be a huge success, especially in an area where commercial and residential properties are not an issue.

Ramak J. Dedigh, CEO of Plouton, explained: “The preeminent combination of nature and technology will usher in the next stage of bitcoin mining evolution, fulfilling the promise of Bitcoin as a sustainable, decentralized network of transactions.”

Plouton co-founder Samuel Del Real added: “Well, where we purchased the land in, Mojave CA, happens to be ranked in the top 12 places in the world for solar power due to its placement and overall days of sun. We need to be able to push in innovation in sustainable energy by means of BTC and allow access to the rest of the world to participate.”

With prices for BTC rising again, it is now becoming much more lucrative for miners to try to acquire these assets. The big issue is energy, and this is where Plouton hopes to provide a large amount for use in crypto mining while using sustainable, renewable energy.

No specific timetable was provided as to when the solar panel project will be completed.

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