Vol 19.71m
Vol 37105.82m
Vol 254.1m
Vol 319.27m
Vol 690.93m

As the old saying goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” After doing so much for the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain, Unwriter has gone a step further, and given the community easy to use tools to save their own work to the blockchain.

On January 28, Unwriter revealed his b.bitdb.network page, a message board of sorts, that allows anyone to upload files to the BSV blockchain through a small Money Button transaction. The site also queries the blockchain to display posts made by other users.

Activity immediately took off, with users posting pictures, video and text. Unwriter seemingly got excited when one user posted a full ROM (read only memory) of Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Without a console or emulator, the ROM is unplayable, but it leads to more inspiration for the BSV community, with Unwriter joking that someone should upload an emulator to the blockchain so we could get to playing.

Hours later, the community had met the challenge. Someone had uploaded a full ROM, with emulation, of the open-source indie game Intergalactic Transmissing. Originally developed for the Gamecraft at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities 2018 game jam, the game is now preserved for eternity on the BSV blockchain.

This achievement was made possible by Steve Shadders raising the OP_RETURN limit on the BSV blockchain to 100KB, and Unwriter’s many achievements in unleashing the querying power of the BSV blockchain. In theory, a large number of games in the NES library could be uploaded to the blockchain with that file size available, if not for copyright and proprietary restrictions.

This could only be possible on the BSV blockchain because of its larger blocks, and ability to scale massively. Dedicating 100KB of a block to OP_RETURN is unthinkable in the already congested 1MB Bitcoin Core (BTC) blocks, but BSV can handle it, already showing it can sustain 64MB blocks for up to 24 hours, and with plans to go much higher. Max block mined to date is 103MB.


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