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On this week’s episode of CoinGeek Discussions, co-hosts Zachary Weiner and Alex Vidal were joined by VXTechnologies President Justin Pauly. They talked about the importance of on-chain, immutable records, with Weiner and Pauly sharing some details about their clients and use cases for their BSV blockchain-based applications. Check it out via this link.

Secure, verifiable records on the blockchain

Vidal introduces the central theme of the discussion: verifiable data on the blockchain. Every record can be secured on the immutable ledger, and that’s what VXTechnologies is all about. Transparent, verifiable records would mean data integrity was never in question.

Pauly says Ordinals have helped VXTechnologies educate people. They no longer have to get over the “you can’t do that on Bitcoin” hurdle. Once people see inscriptions, they more easily grasp how land deeds, intellectual property, and other records can be put on the blockchain. VXTechnologies aims to make it as easy as possible to do so and for it to fit into what clients are already doing.

VXTechnologies publishes clients’ data on the blockchain, making it easy to connect it to anything or anyone. For example, a Nigerian student can present his diploma and have it verified. This technology can also enable parties who don’t trust each other to more easily do so. Both MagicDapp and AlphaDapp are continually evolving, he says.

Giving another example of what can be done, Weiner says the company recently attended and presented at a blockchain event held by the University of Wyoming. They put together an app that allowed attendees to verify they had been there. This was a great marketing tool and nicely demonstrated the concept of data on the blockchain.

VXTechnologies’ tools are user-friendly and easy to use

Pauly says he isn’t a coder, but he was able to build an app. It’s easy for people to do so. Going from not understanding the technology to actually doing something with it is a massive leap in the learning curve.

Time-stamping is the real use case for BSV blockchain, Pauly says, admitting that while it’s not the sexiest part of the business, it’s crucial. Audit trails can give an accurate history of events. However, even on a public blockchain like BSV, clients have “sovereign territory,” and even the VX team has to be invited by them to do things like troubleshooting. Therefore, privacy is not an issue.

What’s the difference between AlphaDapp and MagicDapp? AlphaDapp has support, and VXTechnologies talks you through the process. It’s contractual and is more for enterprise use. MagicDapp is more of a DIY approach, allowing users to experiment and try things, and the pricing differs.

To hear more about how each of VXTechnologies’ apps works, using blockchain to verify history, and the new generation of ChampionsTCG cards, check out the CoinGeek Discussions here.

Watch: VXTechnologies brings a world of verifiably authentic records

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